Thursday, July 22, 2010

Authors notes for Chapter 2 - Waking up to reality

Have you ever done something you know you shouldn't, but then pretended that you didn't-- thinking or even hoping that it would all just go away.

You can actually feel fine for awhile. You can eat, laugh, smile, joke, work, . . . but there comes a time when reality hits. Truth will not stay buried. And when it hits you with something you were trying to hide, it sucker punches you in the stomach rendering you so sick that you wish you could just vomit and make it better, but it never works that way.

Honesty is the only thing that will bring peace to your stomach.

So, these are just my thoughts. What are yours? . . . 


  1. Love that! "honesty is the only that thing will bring peace to your stomach" LOVE IT!

  2. I thought you captured it perfectly in a way that many will be drawn to as they read about what samuel is experiencing and what he chooses to do. I really like later in the story how that knot still antagonizes him with discouragement and doubt. Although he was honest his understanding hasn't been found yet where you explain in the author's notes on Rachel about how his choices end up opening up the door to greater joy and a greater potential for all of the characters. Its a powerful message. Samuel is one of my favorite characters and I'm excited to see him develop more in the story!

  3. Im glad you are seeing that. I wanted each of the characters to be able to move and grow and discover different things about themselves and how their challenges are helping them grow. thanks for the feed back.
